Due to emergency on foreseen events this page will no longer be a subscription page until further notice.
Please everyone take care and be safe and I apologize for the current downfall.
For those that still follow this group, how many are interested in maintaining a state level group for preparedness minded individuals regardless of affiliation with AmCon? It has proven difficult to maintain a state group, and I have seen less activity at the local level where I am as well. For whatever reason it seems much of the momentum that AmCon had started has been lost. How many of us would like to have a preparedness network to allow for inter communications between local preparedness groups? I’m not sure how comments are working but if you can’t comment but would like a group maintained for the sake of preparedness even by means of another platform or medium let me know with a simple thumbs up.
I still love the initial idea that AmCon brought to light.
For those unaware of how to use the promo codes, try the following:
1-click the page/group that you are not a paid subscriber to.
2-click the button “support page”
3-where the option is for credit card or coin, select credit card
4-after clicking credit card you will see the link for promo code. Click promo code and enter promo code.
I have not tried this personally but I believe that’s how it is done. Those that have successfully used the promo codes please chime in.
I hope this helps.